• News

    Students Walk Out In Protest of Titan Lunch Cancellation

    On January 24, the Independent Student Lunch Committee (SLC) hosted a walkout to show the mass support for the Titan Lunch proposal. The walkout came after ACHS Executive Principal Peter Balas announced that the new extended lunch period would not be implemented for the second half of the 2022-2023 school year as planned. Theogony reported that Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt and her Central Office Leadership Team blocked the plan the previous week. This decision created immediate uproar from students, parents and staff.

  • News

    The End of Titan Lunch Has Come

    In a letter sent on Parentsquare yesterday evening, ACHS Executive Principal Peter Balas announced that Titan Lunch will not be taking place this school year. This comes after sources confirmed Thursday that the extended lunch period’s implementation had been postponed from its planned January 24 start date due to Central Office not approving the plan.