• News,  Spotlight

    Community Organization Resettle Afghan Refugees

    NOVA RAFT (Northern Virginia Resettling Afghan Families Together) is an organization that was started in August 2021 when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. This organization consists of former Afghan diplomats and military personnel, as well as local businesses and a network of mosques, synagogues, and churches that are dedicated to assisting newly arrived Afghan families. 

  • Opinion

    How TAG, AP and Honors Classes Perpetuate Inequality

    For being one of the most diverse school systems, the typical ACPS classroom looks shockingly homogeneous. In elementary schools, students are separated into “gifted” and “non-gifted” as early as third grade. In middle and high school, another level of leveling is added, with honors and AP classes separating students.

  • News

    New Courses, New Opportunities

    With the 2023-2024 school year coming up very quickly, counselors have begun to meet with students to help them choose their schedules for the next school year. For many students, choosing their new classes is very exciting and important, as these classes may influence their future career choices. This year, students may notice a few new course options that are coming to Alexandria City High School.

  • News

    Science Bowl is on a Roll

    The Science Bowl is more than just a club at ACHS, it is a collaborative team of students that participate in competitions throughout the year. The team is led by two teachers, Tim Anderson and Jatanee Reyes. The two of them work together to give the team guidance and prepare them for competitions. The team has to be knowledgeable about topics from biology to physics in order to perform well in competition. In terms of student leadership, senior Leah Devendorf, is the team captain.

  • News

    New Mural Showcases School History

    Students in Beth Coast's art classes as well as other artistic Titans have been designing a mural about the timeline of Alexandria City High School, spanning from the school’s opening to present day. The mural will include important events such as in 1967 when the first class of T.C. Williams graduated, the success of ACHS’s football team in the 70s that inspired the hit movie Remember the Titans and more recently, the Covid spike and name change from T. C. Williams High School to Alexandria City High School because of the Black Lives Matter movement. 

  • Spotlight

    A Sustainable Spotlight

    Passionate teachers are hard to find these days, but Patrick Earle is one of the good ones! Mr. Earle is a multi-subject teacher at ACHS who creates a fun and engaging learning environment. He has a lot of environmental knowledge that he enjoys sharing with today’s youth.

  • The Beet

    Party for Tardy

    It's everyone's favorite feeling: rushing through the halls as the clock strikes 8:40 a.m. The bus was late, or there was traffic, or maybe you just slept in. Either way, you’re late. But not to worry, the staff of ACHS is ready to help with their new tardy policy, a plan that will make you even tardy-er than you were.

  • News

    Among Titans, Favorite NFL Teams

    Watching the National Football League is a popular pastime all over America, and Alexandria City High School is no exception. With many teams to choose from, here are some of the teams that are people's favorites here at ACHS.

  • Spotlight

    Muslim Youth Union Offers Opportunities

    There are many opportunities for students at Alexandria City High School to organize clubs and activities to demonstrate leadership skills. There are many religions represented at ACHS, but there is a large community of Muslim students, staff, and teachers.