• News

    PRIDE Period Priorities

    To start the 22-23 school year at Alexandria City High School, a PRIDE period has been introduced to students and faculty. PRIDE stands for preparation, respect, integrity, determination, and excellence. PRIDE period takes place during third or fourth period from 9:59 am to 10:34 am. During these thirty-six minutes, teachers present a slideshow to all students that review a new topic every day.

  • News

    Parent-Teacher Conferences Now More Accessible Than Ever Through ParentSquare

    Parent-teacher conferences will be taking place all day on Thursday, September 29 and Friday September 30 at the Minnie Howard and King Street campuses. Conferences provide a time for parents and family members to meet with their student’s teachers and discuss any concerns or any questions they may have about their student or their schedule. Students will have the days of the conferences off in order to allow conferences to take place in-person during school hours rather than in the evening. 

  • Opinion

    Proposed Grading Policy Hurts Students, Teachers

    At a meeting on August 25, the Alexandria School Board discussed a controversial grading policy focused on addressing equity problems. The meeting came weeks late, and the proposed grading policy, which stated that homework should not be graded, NHI’s should be given instead of zeros, and grades should generally reflect mastery of the curricula rather than completed work, showed a complete disconnect from teacher input.

  • News

    Titan Tickets: Risk or Reward?

    The new Titan Ticket system is a part of a new ACPS PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) practice that is being implemented this year. Titan Tickets are raffle tickets that staff will begin to hand out to students when they are seen demonstrating positive behaviors. After collecting tickets students can then trade them in for a commensurate prize or enter it into a raffle by putting their ticket in their administrators’ fish bowl. Each week, administration will draw a ticket from the bowl and the selected student will win a prize.

  • News

    Without Lunch and Learn, Clubs Struggle to Meet

    As the debate on Lunch and Learn’s potential return continues, many clubs begin to meet after school since meeting during school is no longer an option. Homework, sports, and overall availability are among the challenges that make it difficult for students to participate in clubs after school. Many students support Lunch and Learn since it would give them more time in their schedule to stay involved with clubs.

  • Schoolboard member Abdel Elnoubi, left, speaks at the September 10 listening session. Councilmember Canek Aguirre, right, writes down notes.

    The Frustrations of a Community: Alexandria School Safety Community Listening Session

    Alexandria City Councilmember Canek Aguirre and ACPS School Board member Abdel Elnoubi hosted a community listening session about school safety at Beatley Library on Sunday, September 10. The session was permeated with discussions surrounding the Student Law Enforcement Partnership (SLEP) initiative, media response, and community involvement in legislative processes. Elnoubi said that the decision on what to do with school resource officers (SROs) will be made in October or November, whether that be to leave, remove, or reimagine the role of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the city and schools. This decision will come with the recommendations of the SLEP committee.