Theogony celebrates our School Board student representative senior editor: the activist, future political strategist Emily Milton.
Yahney-Marie Sangaré
Emily Milton is eighteen years old, an editor on Theogony, a student representative to the ACPS School Board, a volunteer, and a future Pennsylvania State University scholar. She was born on November 14 — she describes herself as “100%” a Scorpio — and today she drinks chamomile tea at Junction Bistro, Bar & Bakery in Del Ray. She’s multi-talented, always busy, and is slowly learning to relax.
“I think I’m passionate in general. When I’m passionate about something, you know that I’m passionate about it,” Emily said. “When I get on something, I am very on it.”
That commitment extends to Emily’s interests. She’s going to Pennsylvania State for political science; from speaking on Capitol Hill for eating disorder advocacy in middle school to being student representative in her junior and senior year, she briefly considered criminal justice before being pulled back to politics.
“Emily is such an amazing friend. She’s always there for me and she can make me feel better when I’m down, and I’m so grateful for her because she pays for my food,” said sophomore James Libresco. “I’m so glad I know her!”
Emily is the oldest sibling and oldest cousin. She was an only child for eight years, so she was very close to her parents. She said she was a “happy kid”, doing drama and dance classes for competitive dance; ballet, tap and jazz: nine classes per week.
“I think I like to relax more than I did when I was younger, but I do like to keep busy.” She said she’s “definitely not Type B” at least. She wanted to be a teacher as a kid because her mother was a teacher, but her plans changed when she discovered just how much she enjoyed standing up for what she thinks is right. She had a ten-year plan starting in the fourth grade; it was during quarantine that she began to embrace flexibility and consider a change in plans.
“Being alone for that long was really helpful for me personally. It helped me grow in my mindset,” Emily said.
Emily has a long-standing family history in service and Alexandria. Besides her involvement in the Miracle League of Alexandria, a baseball team for disabled players, beginning at eight years old, she’s been in the Key Club since ninth grade and is a long-standing member of Girl Up. And, of course, Emily was part of the vanguard for Titan Lunch–gone, but not forgotten.

Both Emily’s parents went to school in Alexandria and then went to the same college in Virginia; her grandfather, Bill Rivers, is a living legend of Alexandria. She says that, alongside her parents and little brother, her grandfather is one of the most important people in her life.
“I love that man so much. He’s always there for me. We go on long drives in the country together sometimes. He knows everything about me. He gives me great advice; he always understands,” she said.
Although Emily is still rarely free, she said that this year has taught her balance. She said she’d tell her younger self to “chill out.”
“You’ve done all of this work, you’ve been who you are, you’ve been accepted into colleges, you’re going to move on with your life. Of course you want to graduate, do well, but it’s not the most important thing anymore, and that’s okay. You don’t have to be the best and it’s fine,” Emily said she realized about halfway through senior year. “It’s okay to be average sometimes.” She also says that senior year has been the happiest she’s ever been: exploring new opportunities and doing things she never thought she’d do.

Something people wouldn’t expect about Emily? She loves tattoos. Right now, she has a dragonfly on her arm for her grandmother that she got right after school on her eighteenth birthday. She has a Scorpio sign on her hip and spontaneously got a tattoo of a sun symbol after seeing a necklace on the beach. She said that she’s going to be a “huge tattoo person; they don’t hurt enough.”
In terms of Theogony, Emily never took Journalism I. She joined Theogony her junior year as a staff writer after having Ms. Lawson on Zoom for Honors English 10. Lawson asked her to stay after class one day, and she was recruited to Theogony. After writing about campus disconnect and sports alike in her junior year, Emily became an editor as a senior.
“I’m going to miss the times in the lab. As editors, in the last half of the year, we’ve gotten super close,” Emily said. “When staffers come into the lab, and all of us as editors and staffers talk together, (we might not even be talking about journalism; sorry, Ms. Lawson!) We’ll have good conversations and it’ll be so fun.”
For future editors, Emily advised connecting with staff writers–one of her main goals for becoming an editor this year. She also said communication is “100% key,” both with other editors and the staff advisors. And, above all, she said to not be afraid.
“Everyone that continues to take Theogony, I hope that you enjoy it and benefit from it as much as I have. I wish everyone the best of luck, and I hope to connect with everyone and stay in touch.”
“We have parameters to meet and people to talk to as a school newspaper, but fight for the articles you’re passionate about,” she said.
Emily’s favorite show is Grey’s Anatomy. Her favorite color is purple, although she mainly wears gray or navy blue. For years, her favorite book was When You Reach Me by Rebecca Steed, but at the moment, it’s The Great Gatsby. And, above all, she is a Swiftie; she says that folklore “changed her life.”

Outside of Theogony, Emily’s favorite teachers at Alexandria City High School have been Ms. Hudson, her eleventh-grade AP United States History teacher, and Mr. Hendriksen, her junior-year AP Lang teacher and Writing Center advisor. She still regularly eats lunch in Ms. Hudson’s room; she met two of her closest friends in APUSH and says that Ms. Hudson is “always there to listen.” She called Mr. Hendriksen one of “the best English teachers I’ve ever had” and said that, in his class, she thought, “This is what English is supposed to feel like.”
“Junior year was the time. Joining Theogony during junior year also aids in my growth that I’ve had, as well as AP Lang, APUSH, being student rep, all of it,” said Emily.
“Emily is a delightful editor as she’s both gifted at writing and such a benevolent person,” said Libresco. “She’s one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, and that along with her writing made Theogony such a fun experience for me and everyone else in the class.”
As the Spring Break day became blazing and the cars rushed by on Mount Vernon Avenue, I asked Emily the meaning of life. She took a moment to think about it.
“You’re going to be human, you’re going to make mistakes, and you’re going to need help with that, she said.”
“To make an impact on someone, something. Not in the way you’d think with School Board, Titan Lunch. Impact on your friends. That you’re there for people that need you. You’re able to be there for them. You’re able to change their way of thinking and get out of that hard spot. Being kind to people; holding the door open. Seemingly small things that can change someone’s day. Be humans, helping other humans, every now and then.”

Yahney’s Note
Emily, your commitment is so inspiring. I will miss our times in the lab and maybe, somewhere deep inside me, even the fight for Titan Lunch. You’re so smart, dedicated and incredibly well-spoken. It really won’t be the same without you. Please come visit and have fun at Penn State!
Part of the series of Theogony‘s senior editor spotlights. To read about the rest of our graduating editors, go here.