Theogony celebrates our only two-year senior editor: the thespian, future museum technician Nora Malone.
Yahney-Marie Sangaré
Nora Malone is eighteen years old, an editor on Theogony, stage manager for the spring musical, the ACHS Cappies Head Critic, and the only 2022-23 Theogony editor who was an editor the year prior. She’s a Sagittarius–November 23, precisely–who was born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts. We met at the Uptowner Cafe in Old Town, where she ordered Boba tea and a chocolate chip muffin. The very first thing Nora mentioned she’s passionate about is medieval history (the subject of the book she was reading as I walked up to the cafe), which she’ll be studying at Fordham University this fall.
“I think it was our era of humanity where we were kind of the most human,” Nora said. Outside of medieval history, Nora also said she might minor in Irish Studies. She’s “basically all the way Irish.” She likes to explore the pre-British colonial history element of Irish history, but is also interested in Irish culture in New York and Boston; where she’s from and where she grew up, respectively. Nora’s named after her great-grandmother, the last person in the family to speak Gaelic; Nora herself took Latin and Spanish.
Nora’s interest in history is, like most of her decisions, founded in “logic.” She says that, alongside its longevity as a profession, she finds history interesting; she likes to know about people, including historical people. She grew up in a house full of books; her father likes “unnecessary books about niche history” in particular. Her plan is to be a museum technician; a good mix of an interesting job, job security, and work-life balance.
Fordham, besides offering a medieval history major, was also ideal location-wise. “You live where you’re going to college,” Nora explained. New York in general is a good place for Nora; there’s “always something to do, somewhere to be.” A lot of her extended family lives in New York, and she’s technically a Fordham legacy; her father went there for his undergraduate studies as well.

Nora has always had eclectic interests. She wanted to be a veterinarian until she was six, and then a dentist from seven to thirteen (before realizing she’d have to go to medical school.) As a child, she was a “pleasure to have in class” and would entertain herself by rearranging the cans in the pantry for hours. Additionally, she did synchronized figure skating from age two to 15; alongside ballet for eight years. She always liked figure skating a little better; she had the same coach from when she was nine until she moved to Alexandria for her sophomore year. Part of the reason she favored it was that there were multiple people involved; dance was individual.
“Collaboration isn’t really my jam, but I don’t like being alone,” Nora said, explaining her general hatred for group projects. “I can work in groups, but not with strangers.”
When Nora was a kid, she read non-stop. Her mother, a Cornell graduate who worked for the Red Cross and authors children’s books, and father, a U.S. Politics editor for Reuters, met working for a newspaper together. Both her parents are from the east coast; a very resolute part of her identity. As a kid, Nora would play Harry Potter with her best friend, acting out the unforgivable curses on each other. She’s an only child, although she has four pets–two cats (Maggie, Cute Cleo) and two dogs (Buddy, Honey Lemon).
“Honey Lemon is a golden retriever who is big and doesn’t realize it. Buddy is old and anxious. Cutie is a hater. Maggie cries when I leave,” Nora said.
Although Nora is distinguished by her green hair, she’s naturally dirty blond. She said that she saw the color once and decided to “give it a whirl,” and now it’s been three years. She likes to do her own thing. During her freshman year, she made up an elaborate story about having a brother named Thomas. She also convinced everyone her middle name was Eleanor and acted extensively as a kid; most notably in Bertolt Brecht’s “The Caucasian Chalk Circle”. The first time she did tech was for The Tempest in seventh grade; although she ended up having to fill in for the sound operator because he kept watching March Madness.
“Nora has the coolest style, and she’s absolutely hilarious, even when she was in eighth grade, which is saying a lot. I have to say, I am also impressed with anyone who can keep their hair dyed the same color for three years,” said Caz Allan, one of Nora’s friends from Massachusetts.

“Nora is an amazing person! She is the type of person that you could talk with for hours on end without a dip in the conversation. Her sarcastic quips and blunt honesty is a very refreshing quality that I appreciate and love about Nora. Although she has a very questionable subway order, I only wish the best for her in life and care for her deeply,” said senior Reema Gaal.
Nora moved to Alexandria during her sophomore year, which was online.
“Nora has been a positive influence on my life since I met her sophomore year. [She’s] always been there to talk to and [has] motivated me to do better in both life and school,” said senior Owen Maccubbin, one of Nora’s closest friends.

After going straight to Journalism II during her sophomore year, Nora became an editor as a junior. Her counselor told her to take a sequential elective her junior year, so she randomly selected Stagecraft, where she got involved in the Fall Play, Facing Our Truth, where she became “the on-demand spotlight.” Nora also got involved with Cappies and generally was dragged into the theatre circuit. She went on to do One-Acts, Little Shop of Horrors (right-wing stage manager), Writer’s Festival, and, senior year, One Slight Hitch and Chicken and Biscuits, One-Acts (co-director), and Sister Act (stage manager).
“I’ve known Nora since the beginning of last year, and even though the first time I saw her she seemed to look straight into my soul and judge the living daylights out of me, she quickly became one of my closest friends. Even if I only see her ever so often, I’m constantly reminded of her wit and sarcasm. Often leaving me crying with laughter, I will miss her dearly next year while she finds her home amongst other….Northeasters,” said junior Ilona Boehm-O’Connor.

In terms of Theogony, she’s done a lot. She got to interview Noah Lyles for TMA and wrote an article about it, and got involved with the local community writing about the Torpedo factory.
“Nora is an outstanding editor. Although I was a bit scared of her at first, over the course of the year I’ve discovered that she is such a funny and sweet person. Her contributions to Theogony, especially her design of our print editions, have been invaluable, and our newspaper would not be in the place it is in now without her expertise,” said sophomore James Libresco.
“[I’m going to miss] the advice of Mr. Heller. I think he’s really knowledgeable in his field, and a really helpful asset to the paper. Also just his advice as someone who has lived more life than I have,” Nora said.

Outside of Theogony, Nora’s favorite teachers have been split between Massachusetts and Virginia. She cited her freshman-year history teacher, Dr. Benjamin Cohen, who spent the entire year teaching about the Algerian War, and her junior-year history teacher, Ms. Erin Hudson, who made her overcome the “hatred of American history” that all children of New England have.
“Every now and then I get a history teacher that makes me want to be a history teacher, even though I would hate being a history teacher,” Nora said. She also mentioned Mr. Eaton, Mr. Hendriksen, and Mr. Zahn.
To future Theogony writers and editors, Nora had this advice.
“Always write the story. It’s better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. Try to see the good parts in journalism. It’s hard to be a journalist at this point in time, but it’s a very important career. Not one I want to do, but important nonetheless. If you really have a passion for it, keep trying, because every experience you have with it will be different.”
Nora’s favorite books are Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, the Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien, and Going Bovine by Libba Bray. Her favorite TV shows are Merlin and Community, her favorite movie is Yesterday, and her favorite song is “This Corrosion” by Sisters of Mercy.
On the meaning of life, Nora said, “42.”

Yahney’s Note
Nora is not only a phenomenal editor, sharp writer, and clever satirist, she is a beautiful person. If you would’ve told us last year that we would have directed an entire play together and are going to New York together this summer, I think one (or both) of us would’ve physically attacked you. As a fellow Sagittarius, I understand Nora deeply. She is such a compassionate, talented, and deeply honest person; and although sometimes she may say things that will make you re-evaluate the space-time continuum, no one would have it any other way. You are one of my best friends in the world, and I will miss you so, so much. Owen and I will be catching the train up to New York to visit. Thanks for the Hershey’s Kisses to keep my sanity. Prends soin de toi, Nora!
Part of the series of Theogony‘s senior editor spotlights. To read about the rest of our graduating editors, go here.