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    ACPS Executive Chef Resigns, Shares Food for Thought

    In the fall of 2019, Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) announced the hiring of Isaiah Ruffin, the first-ever executive chef in the school district. From the beginning of his employment with ACPS, Ruffin made it clear that he was not content with the standard quality level of cafeteria food.

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    A Rundown of the First Principal’s Chat of the Year

    “We are in the public engagement part of our process here,” said Principal Peter Balas who recently hosted his first Principal’s Chat of the school year over Zoom. Balas was referring to The Identity Project, whose members work to host engagement sessions about the renaming of T.C. Williams High School and Matthew Maury Elementary School.

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    POV: You are a Virtual+ Student at TC Williams

    Lilla Gleeson and Lauren Thiell On March 13, students were told that in two weeks, they would return to school after a short break due to coronavirus concerns. Two weeks became 4 months. Now over half a year since the covid-19 outbreak in the United States, T.C. Williams High School students are attending virtual classes from home.  As students adjust to a fully virtual environment, they share their opinions and experiences.   While students adjust to harder classes and a heftier workload in junior and senior year, students must also adjust to a new structure, new distractions, and a new world. Junior Kenna Murphy said she finds it  “very difficult to…

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    Teachers’ Opinions On Semester Scheduling

    Teachers share the roadblocks they have confronted as they transition from in-person to virtual school. Abigail Ernst and Katie Vastola The shift to virtual school has demanded high school teachers completely rethink the style of their courses, as year-long courses have changed to semester-long courses and twice-to-thrice-a-week classes shifting to be five days a week. With no indication of return to in-person learning anytime soon, some teachers like Matthew Zahn are not preparing for a return to in-person classes. “I don’t want to prepare for something that might not even happen,” Mr. Zahn said.  The 2020-2021 schedule consists of students taking four classes each semester. With the first semester, red…

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    The Titan Underground Vol. 1: Terrain

    Creating music is a way that people channel their emotions. It expresses the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. To the listener, music can be used to help focus or tune out completely. It can create a rush of adrenaline or a sense of calmness. But finding new music and artists can be overwhelming in an era in which so much is available. It can be hard to sort through the noise and find some of the amazingly talented artists who aren’t on the major airwaves.

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    A Reminder That You Are Not Alone

    Mental Health Awareness and Resources in a Stressful World Jacqueline Lutz Quarantine has affected everyone in a multitude of ways and has been isolating for many people. Unable to gather in large groups and engage in normal activities, people’s social lives have come to an abrupt halt.  Lack of social interaction can be damaging to one’s mental health — human beings are naturally social and look to their peers and communities for support. Without the same interactions that there were before the pandemic, people’s mental health can decline significantly and quickly.  While online school helps prevent the spread of coronavirus, it can also contribute to a decline in student’s physical…