Titans Still Celebrate the Homecoming Season in Safe, Small Groups
Ryan Reyes

In a year full of disappointing school event cancellations, it has been hard to maintain certain social aspects of the high school experience, especially school dances and gatherings. Homecoming, one of the most anticipated events of the school year, has become another victim of the pandemic shutdowns. A week supposed to be filled with school spirit, an exciting Titan football victory, and a school dance to remember is nothing more than empty stands and a silent gymnasium this year.
Yet students have found a way to continue to keep their high school experience alive through “Foco” (fake homecoming). For senior Mia Humphery, Foco was important because “with COVID, basically every part of senior year has been taken away from us. The leadership classes and SGA have done a great job planning events so seniors can safely socialize and I think we were trying to do the same thing with Foco. Just to have a night where we could get a group of seniors together and get dressed up and take pictures as safely as possible. A night where we could have something just a little bit more normal with everything going on.” A sense of normalcy in a very not normal year helps to keep the Titan spirit alive the best that it can.