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    More Clubs Than You Ever Knew

    Mongolian Throat Singing Club: More Than Just a Meme Bobby Sweeney and Ben Vastola A new club is storming the TC hallways. Every first and third Thursday of the month, room B310 hosts a club dedicated to a lost art: Mongolian throat singing.  “This is not your typical modern music but it has a rich history,” said club president and T.C. junior Anna Dugan. “Mongolian Throat singing has been around since written language so in a way, it is one of the ancient forms of music and art that the world has.”  Dugan started the club due to her love for Mongolian music.  “My introduction to Mongolian throat singing actually…

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    Here to Help

    “Trainers are the most valuable and underrated people in the athletic department,” said Girls Assistant Varsity Lacrosse Coach, Megan Avery. “They help rehabilitate injured athletes and keep athletes in top playing condition.”

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    Come See the Stars

    “I love when kids and adults come here, I turn on the stars and show them the awe factor, it blows people’s minds,” said Doctor Melissa Hamilton, the planetarium teacher.

  • Opinion

    Schools Need More Current Events Discussions in Class

    Your phone vibrates and a notification comes in from the Washington Post: “Trump Dropped G-7 Plan after Pushback from a GOP Tired of Defending Him”,“Ohio Counties, Drug Firms Reach $260 million Deal in Opioid Case”, “Dallas Tornado Devastates Homes, Leaves Thousands without Power.” Every day, we receive notifications about current events from around the world that are shaping our global society, but why do we never discuss these events in the classroom?

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    Whitaker’s Wish Coming True

    “He does not want to go to Disney; he does not want to meet Tom Brady. He says to the Make-A-Wish team, ‘all I want is to run across the street and play in the park with my pals,’” said Walter White, an Alexandrian helping lead the fundraising effort for a young boy’s wish to build a playground.

  • News,  Opinion

    TC’s Reaction to Impeachment

    In the past couple of weeks, the nation has been buzzing with talk of the possible impeachment of President Donald Trump. Since T.C. is in close proximity to the nation’s capital, students are closely tied to the issue and have mixed feelings about the impeachment investigation.