Emily Townsend
Science Fair Winners (from TC Williams King Street and Minnie Howard)
* Denotes students moving on to Regional Science Fair
Animal Science (ANIM)
Honorable Mention: Anna Dugan (TC – KS)
Behavioral and Social Science (BEHA)
1. * Michaela McCormack (TC – KS)
3. Lily Fanning (TC – MH)
Biochemistry (BCHM)
1. * Kelly Koury (TC – KS)
2. *Emily Milton (TC – MH) and *Effriata Berasu and *Alyssa Bautista (TC – KS)
Biomedical and Health Science (BMED)
1. * Alexander Costle-Tyler (TC – KS)
Biomedical Engineering (ENBM)
1. * Evelyn Ipsen (TC – MH)
2. * Sophie Dechant and * Ani Dawson (TC – MH)
Cellular and Molecular Biology (CELL)
1. * Isabel Blackburn and * Patrice Archie (MH)
Chemistry (CHEM)
1. * Christopher Bright (TC – KS)
2. * Sydney Bell (TC – KS)
Honorable Mentions: Citali Chambers and Deanna Kosinski (TC – MH) and Anosha Saleh (TC – MH)
Earth and Environmental Science (EAEV)
1. * Katherine Matthews (TC – KS)
2. * Summerson Houck (TC – KS)
3. Sada Seman and Fatima Suliman (TC – MH)
Honorable Mention: Meaghan Bucceri (TC – MH) and Eva Ellis (TC – MH)
Energy: Chemical (EGCH)
1.Yoseph Lakew
Energy: Physical (EGPH)
1. * Marie Hubbard (TC – MH)
Honorable Mentions: Robert Williams (TC – KS) and Valeria Holguin and Noelle McCallum (TC – KS)
Engineering Mechanics (ENMC)
1. * William Hixson (TC – KS)
2. * Abigail Delgado (TC – MH)
3. Egypt Garrett (TC – KS)
Honorable Mention: Neil Gascon and Mya Lopez (TC – KS)
Environmental Engineering (ENEV)
Honorable Mention: Amelia Jones (TC – MH)
Materials Science (MATS)
1. * Lillian Ballantine (TC – KS)
2. * Madeline Glanz and * Alana Cohen (TC – KS)
3. Caroline Davenport (TC – KS)
Honorable Mention: Olivia Ernst
Mathematics (MATH)
Honorable Mention: Mara Boggess
Microbiology (MCRO)
2. * Maggie Carlson (TC – MH)
3. Sarah Porter (TC – MH)
Physics and Astronomy (PHYS)
2. * Amelia Bernstein (TC – KS)
3. Caroline Reiss and Abigail Fireison (TC – MH)
Plant Science (PLNT)
1. *Keirstyn Amponsah (TC – KS)
3. Virginia Arnold (TC – KS)
Robotics and Intelligent Machines (ROBO)
1. * Gavriel Cambridge and * Max Belmont (TC-KS)
3. * Maxwell McCormack and * Rutger Winters (TC – KS)
Systems Software (SOFT)
2. * Max Gordon (TC – KS)
Seniors Gavriel Cambridge Max Belmont present their project on Optimal Robotics for Environmental Observation Seventh Graders from George Washington Middle School Present their science projects Sophomore Ethan Baumen shows off his Science Fair Project about Guitars Sophomore Meaghan Wendling answers question by Science Fair Judge T.C. student presents her Science Fair Board to parents and fellow students Middle Schoolers present on how the Ph of Water Effects the Growth Rate of Beans Sophomore Meaghan Wendling presents her science fair project on the Effect of Radiation on Plants Junior Henry Wiedemer is interviewed by TV Media Production Students Sophomores Ethan Gotch and Savannah Anderson present science fair projects Middle Schooler presents project on How Magnetism Affects Plant Growth Freshman Calvin Wiedemer and Will Damond pose for a photo with their board