• News

    Warriors of TC

    “You might see us walk into fights, but if it’s a school shooter, we’re going to run,” said SRO (School Resource Officer) Johnny Larios.

  • News

    HOSA Goes to States and Wins Big

    T.C.’s chapter of the Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) organization attended the State Competition in Williamsburg, Virginia and won big. HOSA advisors Laura Evans, Josephine Bloodsworth, and Brian Wright teach medicine-related classes at the King Street campus and Minnie Howard as part of the Health Sciences Academy.

  • News

    Through the Eyes of a Venezuelan in Exile

    Venezuela. You read it all over the newspapers. The front pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post address the current issues. You turn on the TV, and CNN or Fox News are debating whether the policies taken by the United States are convenient and what are the next steps to put more pressure on Nicolas Maduro’s regime. What they do not remind you is how all of this began; therefore, a Venezuelan herself will address it for you.

  • Style

    Not Your Average Horror Film

    Us is directed by famous comedian and horror enthusiast, Jordan Peele. Peele’s first box office hit, Get Out, is a chilling thriller interwoven with commentary on modern racial tensions. Get Out received rave reviews from audience members and even won Peele Best Original Screenplay at the 2018 Oscars. Unlike Get Out, Us is much more centered on terrifying horror.

  • Opinion

    Outrageous, But Not Surprising

    The recent allegations of racketeering, bribery, mail fraud that were brought against over 50 people seemed to rock the country, but for students who have experienced the college admission process, it comes as no shock that the wealthy would go to extreme lengths to secure their children’s’ places at top schools. This scandal reflects a much larger issue with the American post-secondary school system that goes beyond paying exorbitant amounts of money for a proctor to correct a student’s SAT test responses.

  • Opinion

    Your Yubo Account Is Problematic

    With over 15 million users worldwide, Yubo is an app designed for teenagers from ages 13 to 18 to make “friends” online… sounds, innocent, right? In the app store, Yubo describes itself as follows: “Friendship is going to the next level! It’s like being at a party and meeting cool people every 10 seconds.” What app-makers fail to disclose is that this “party” involves underage drinking, child pornography, and heavy drug use.

  • Sports

    Boys Soccer Season Update

    After the first 12 games of the season, Titan soccer is red hot. With a current record of 10-1-1 and a conference record of 6-0, T.C. is rolling into the final three games of the season on a positive note. After 1-0, 3-0, and 4-2 wins versus Mt. Vernon, West Potomac, and Hayfield, respectively, the Titans are confident heading into the final stretch of the season before playoffs begin.