The School Board, in its effort to address Alexandria’s dwindling secondary school capacity, is considering a system by which the city would have “distributed high schools.” Under this plan, students would be separated into a large handful of small high school campuses around the city, each of which would have a special focus, like, for example, a STEM campus and a career-and-technological-education campus. The proposal is one of a few concrete solutions to an increasingly pertinent issue, but its critics say that it raises more questions than it answers. Fortunately, the elite minds of The Beet have solutions.
The Beet: A Guide to Voluntourism
The Beet knows what you’re thinking. You just checked Instagram, and you saw that your white, wealthy, private-school friend, whose friends are exclusively fellow whites, has posted a picture--or maybe several--with a young black or Latino child. Your friend--let’s call him Chad--is getting hundreds of likes and dozens of adoring comments.