Theogony questioned Yonael Tekleberhan, Senior Class President, and Mussie Mehreteab, Senior Class Vice President about the upcoming school year. The transcript is as follows:
What should the senior class look forward to this year?
Yonael: The senior class can look forward to many things. First of all, being seniors means you’re the oldest here at TC. The pep rallies and a lot of the school spirit ideas come from the seniors. Prom is also one of the biggest things that seniors look forward to.
Mussie: The senior class can look forward to Yonael and I engaging our peers in the class of 2018. Getting them involved in Homecoming floats, planning for prom and doing so many activities. We do not want anyone to feel excluded from anything and all the plannings that we do. We want everybody to be involved in class of 2018 activities because it’s our last year in high school and we want to make it exciting for everybody.
Since you guys are also cross-country athletes, does being an athlete have a positive or negative effect on your social life?
Yonael: I would like to say just positive. Nothing really negative. Although it takes a lot of my time I’m happy with what I’m doing. I’m happy with running cross-country and leading the class in many events.
Mussie: It has a positive impact on my social life because I get to meet so many people, have connections with them, and form new friendships within cross-country.
With your performance from last year, how do you think you can improve in cross-country?
Yonael: Well, last season I wasn’t fully committed to the sport like I am now. In prior years I was the MVP and one of the rising stars on the team although due to some travelling over the summer my junior year I wasn’t able to put in time, but this year I’ve been putting in work.
Mussie: Well, I definitely improved this year. Last year I wasn’t really in great shape. This year I’m fit. Last year I wasn’t running at a high voltage but this year I’m a great runner.
Does doing cross-country and being President and Vice President sometimes conflict?
Yonael: In some cases it does. I was junior class president as well, so sometimes the meetings would fall under the same day as a race or I’d have something to do. Last year I gave up a lot of my time as a class leader. I think that this year I have figured how to manage it out.
Mussie: Yes, it does. When we go to these other schools, I feel like I’m a representative for T.C. Yonael and I are proud to be presidents.
What would you like to improve in the Senior Experience program?
Yonael: From my position where I’m looking at it right now I don’t really see anything that needs to be changed from it. It’s a very beneficial program. The state of Virginia does it and a lot of high schools do it so I don’t really see a change.
Mussie: Actually more monitoring of the students progress with getting daily updates from their internship.
What actual power do the class presidents have?
Yonael: As class president I am in charge of any and everything the class of 2018 has to do. For example, planning out a lot of the fundraising, a lot of the dances, and spirit week. That’s all on me because I have to keep in charge everyone that goes to the meetings. I have to be able to make decisions on the spot and I have to prioritize and organize the class as well. I am a voice for the senior class so everyone can come to me from the classes of 2018, 2019 and 2020. They can come and speak to me and maybe we could figure something out.
Mussie: The actual power I have is having a voice representing the class of 2018 that can share people’s opinions in order to change T.C.