Apply for the New West End Elementary School Naming Committee

The School Board is looking for Alexandria residents to serve on a committee that will recommend names for the new West End Elementary School.

For the next two weeks, the School Board will accept applications from those interested in joining the ad hoc School Facilities Naming Committee. Each of the nine School Board members will nominate one person from the applications received.

The final School Facilities Naming Committee will be made up of 10 Alexandria residents—nine members of the public, nominated by the School Board, plus one member nominated by City Council. In addition, the Vice Chair of the School Board will serve as the School Facilities Naming Committee Chair.

The committee will:

  • Develop tasks and a timetable for recommendations to the School Board
  • Solicit and review name recommendations from the community
  • Submit at least three names to the School Board for consideration by the end of January 2018. This will allow time for the school division to purchase and install signage for the new school, ahead of its Fall 2018 opening.

The final selection of a name for the new school is the responsibility of the School Board.

The wider ACPS and Alexandria community will be asked for recommendations regarding the aname of the school later this fall.

Naming suggestions may include U.S. presidents, Virginia historical figures, or places or historical events related to the facility or the location. Naming suggestions can also include a person, business or corporation that has made a significant or extraordinary contribution to the City of Alexandria, usually in the context of education, public service or involvement in civic or cultural activities over an extended period of time.

Names that cause confusion with other Virginia public schools or facilities, including names that have the same initials as another ACPS school, should be avoided.

Applications will be accepted for the next two weeks through October 16. The School Board will appoint the final committee members at the October 26 School Board meeting.

Please note: At this time, we are only accepting applications to serve on the naming committee. The wider ACPS and Alexandria communities will be asked for recommendations regarding the actual name of the school in late fall. Committee members should expect to serve six hours per month from the beginning of November 2017 through February 2018.

Watch the discussion around naming the new West End school.

ACPS, Ferdinand Day, School Board, Video