The new West End Elementary School will open in fall 2018 with Rachael Dischner at the helm as principal.
Current ACPS licensed teachers, instructional staff and assistant principals who would like to be considered for positions at the new West End Elementary School when it opens can apply for a transfer between today through Ja
nuary 15. This is a special transfer process limited to the West End Elementary School only. The opportunity to transfer to other ACPS schools will be advertised in February, as usual.

Selection Criteria
- Licensed employees who are on annual or continuing contracts are eligible to enter the Licensed Transfer Process.’
- The following employees are not eligible to transfer:
- Employees holding a temporary, “end of year” contract.
- Employees who received unsatisfactory ratings on the most recent summative evaluation during a previous year.
- Employees who are currently on a plan of improvement.
- Having two or more “developing/needs improvement” individual ratings on a completed performance review for the same school year (regardless of their overall final performance rating), may impact an employee’s ability to transfer.
- No more than 25 percent of current staff from one school will be allowed to transfer; however, that percentage could be less depending on division and/or program needs.
Timeline for West End Transfer Process
• January 8: Transfer vacancies posted
• January 15: Transfer application closed
• January 17–31: Interview Period
• February 2: Transfer selections made by principals/program managers due to HR
• February 5–7: Transfer offers extended to employees selected
• February 9: Deadline for selected employees to accept/decline offer
• February 12–16: Notifications sent to those not selected
• January 15: Transfer application closed
• January 17–31: Interview Period
• February 2: Transfer selections made by principals/program managers due to HR
• February 5–7: Transfer offers extended to employees selected
• February 9: Deadline for selected employees to accept/decline offer
• February 12–16: Notifications sent to those not selected
To Apply
Complete the online West End Elementary School transfer application. Employees may apply for up to three positions and will be required to upload a current version of your resume and letter of interest.