Tips and Tools for Supporting Our Families

- News and Announcements

As we transition into the second half of our school year, the Department of Student Services would like to take a moment to restate some of the beliefs that make ACPS an outstanding school system.

It is our job to provide a high-quality, responsive education for all students in order to ensure that every student succeeds. Critical to that mission is creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where our students feel valued and safe.

  • We embrace our diversity. ACPS has specific School Board policies on nondiscrimination to foster an atmosphere of inclusiveness and prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, ancestry, disability, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.
  • All students deserve respect, understanding and a safe environment. ACPS staff is committed to working with all students, families and the community to continue to build relationships that improve instruction and services for all students.
  • Discrimination is not tolerated. Acts of bullying, harassment and discriminatory behavior are not accepted in ACPS. All acts should be reported and will be investigated. They can be reported to any ACPS staff member or using the ACPS Tip Line.

The practices and procedures related to immigration that were shared with you last year remain unchanged.

  • All students, including those who are undocumented, have a clear constitutional right to attend public school.
  • ACPS does not solicit, collect or release immigration-related information as to whether a particular student may be undocumented.
  • If immigration authorities sought confidential student information, ACPS would follow the same FERPA procedures as it does in responding to similar requests for other law enforcement authorities.
  • In a published 2011 guidance memo, the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stated that its agents will not conduct questioning of individuals, or apprehend individuals in sensitive places such as schools or churches unless there is some emergency or other exceptional situation.
  • In the event a student is questioned by any law enforcement authority, ACPS school officials would adhere to School Board Policy KNAJ, which provides that the student’s parent/guardian should be notified, and if unavailable, an administrator should sit in on any questioning.
    • In case of federal law authorities, schools should contact the Chief Student Services Officer to verify credentials and to determine if information can be provided.
  • Each situation related to immigration is complex. We are school employees, not attorneys, so we should not be in the practice of providing legal guidance to families. The last thing we want to do is provide inaccurate information. Please relay any legal questions or concerns to school administrator and they can work with parent liaisons and other staff to support the family.
  • Distribution of any materials to students and/or families must follow the established ACPS Flier Distribution procedures.

As always, if you have any students who need support due to stress, anxiety or any reason, please contact a member of your school’s student support team (SST). It is important to remember to take care of yourself, as well. Please reach out to your administrator or Human Resources if you would like to learn about supports for staff.

If you have any general questions about student supports, please contact the Department of Student Services at 703-619-8034.

Thank you for what you do each day and for supporting all ACPS families!