Today’s issue of ACPS Insider will be the last weekly edition until Insider returns on August 20. You’ll continue to hear from us when there is important information or news to share, just not every Monday morning as usual.
Before we hit pause, we’re topping off the school year with a recap of the many awards and recognitions staff members have received for their exemplary work. Kudos to all!

Celebrating Six New National Board Certified Teachers
ACPS is celebrating six new and renewed National Board Certified Teachers! Find out more about what this means for students in the classroom.

Introducing Our Teacher of the Year Nominees for 2019-20
Each ACPS school has put forward their pick for our division’s annual crown. Only one will then go forward to the Washington Post’s annual Teacher of the Year competition. Meet our first four finalists from Charles Barrett, Cora Kelly, William Ramsay and Francis C. Hammond.

William Ramsay Elementary School Applauded for Improving Science Results
A program tailored to each individual student is reaping rewards.

Governor’s Health Sciences Academy at T.C. Williams Picks Up Awards
The Governor’s Health Sciences Academy at T.C. Williams High School has been awarded two honors for its launch and collaborative marketing campaign.

You Deserve This: Rosa Landeros Named a Living Legend of Alexandria
Our Parent Liaison has gone above and beyond to help support generations of families in our city. She has now been recognized for her tireless efforts to help families at Mount Vernon Community School.

“Inspirational” T.C. Williams Teacher Kimberly Wilson Named CTE National Teacher of the Year
The early childhood education program coordinator has won the national award after winning the state nomination in January.

A Harrowing Journey Led a Child to ACPS. Years Later He Returned as a Teacher Using His Story to Inspire Others
Onelio Mencho-Aguilar tells his T.C. Williams International Academy students, “If I can succeed, so can you.”

Brotherhood Across Borders: How a T.C. Soccer Team United Cultures and Created a Family
Eleven nationalities speaking multiple languages play alongside each other as they attempt to figure out life in the U.S. Don’t miss this video featuring a special T.C. cameo!

Dr. Hutchings Recognized for Commitment to Closing Achievement Gaps
This award comes as ACPS continues on its mission to ensure equity for all our students.

National Association for Gifted Children Names Two ACPS Teachers as 2019 Javits-Frasier Scholars
Alejandro Gomez of Jefferson-Houston PreK-8 IB School and Rachel Forbes of Francis C. Hammond Middle School are honored for bringing equity to gifted education.

Congratulations, Mr. O! George Mason Principal Named Director of Educational Leadership Organization
Brian Orrenmaa was chosen to represent principals of dozens of schools in Northern Virginia.

Hammond Principal Selected for the Virginia Middle School Board of Directors
ACPS Principal Pierrette Peters has been selected to push equity and opportunity in public schools across the region.

Wishing All Our Retirees a Relaxed Time Ahead!
Last week, ACPS celebrated the tremendous dedication and contributions of the employees who retired this year. See how they will be spending their retirement.