Professional Development Highlights: Gearing Up for Professional Development Day

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- Professional Development

March 15 is a division-wide professional learning day. The following is a sampling of the many offerings on that day. Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting more. To view more courses and to register, please log into the PLMS website and you will see more than 40 courses being offered on March 15.

Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Resources for Reaching and Teaching Students
How can you support the learning needs of students who are not demonstrating their brilliance? Participants will discuss research-based strategies for meeting the needs of students who are not yet thriving. They’ll also receive a copy of Zarretta Hammond’s book, “Culturally a Responsive Teaching and the Brain.” Questions? Email #18621

Jumping Into Canvas Year 2 — Secondary
How can I use Canvas tools to best meet the needs of students, using blended learning strategies?

This course is designed for secondary teachers who began using Canvas last year and who are looking to dive deeper into some of the more advanced features of Canvas. Learn about integrating Canvas tools like Arc video, ways to formatively and summatively assess students, and the newest Canvas updates. PLMS #18587 (morning) or #18588 (afternoon)

Words Their Way (K-2): Listening, Learning & Sharing
How can I use the core literacy tools and best instructional practices to meet the needs of diverse learners, within the ACPS Literacy Framework? Sessions will give participants the opportunity to collaborate with other ACPS educators as it relates to teaching reading and writing using division-wide core tools. Educators should come prepared to listen, learn and share! Multiple sessions throughout the day. PLMS #15769

Teaching Media Literacy with NewseumED Resources
Teachers will learn how to use primary sources and teaching strategies from the NewseumED collection to help develop students’ media literacy skills and contextualize current and historical events and their relationship to constitutional rights and freedoms. Teachers will visit the Newseum with time to view the exhibits as well as participate in hands-on workshops for teachers. PLMS #14867
Reading Units of Study: Big Picture
How can I use the Reading Units of Study as a tool for Focus Lessons and Interactive Read Alouds? The session includes an overview of the foundations of the reading workshop and the key methods and the important structures that teachers will need to be acquainted with in order to teach this curriculum. The focus will be on: planning, teaching brisk and engaging mini-lessons, leading small group work, assessment-based instruction and managing workshop instruction. PLMS #15767 
Crossing the Rigor Divide
How do content and structure contribute to the rigor of a task? Use the Powerful Task Rubric for Designing Student Work to investigate how content and structure determine the rigor of a task. Apply the rubric to tasks you use in your class and explore strategies to increase rigor. Please bring your fully charged laptop. PLMS #15791 
Project-Based Learning: So What, Now What?
How can project-based learning engage students in content as they learn valuable academic skills? In this interactive session, teachers will explore the why and how of project-based learning (PBL) and begin planning a PBL unit. This course is open to teachers from all content areas. PLMS #15753 

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