New Online Employee Evaluation Process Being Implemented This Year

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- News and Announcements

This year all ACPS employees will be participating in the online evaluation process using the TalentEd Perform platform.

Support Staff will be trained this month on TalentEd using a new online evaluation system created specifically for support staff. In order to use the new system, support staff will need to view an online video and participate in an in-person training session.
  1. View Online Video
    Before attending an in-person training, support employees should view this online video that explains the Support Staff Growth and Assessment system and how the process will work.
  2. Preview In-person Training
    Attend an in-person training session on how to use the You can get a preview here of TalentEd Perform System and how it works.
  3. Register to Attend an In-person Training
    Listed below are the dates, times and locations for upcoming training sessions. Please register for a session in PLMS.
Evaluation Training Dates for Support Staff
Date/Time Location PLMS Section
January 23
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Central Office
5th Floor Room 510-1
 January 25
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Central Office
5th Floor Room 510-1
January 30
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Minnie Howard Library  #17491
February 6
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
John Adams Multipurpose Room  #17493 
Transportation employees will have an opportunity to attend an on-site presentation as a group.
Registration in PLMS  is not required, but it is encouraged.
Questions concerning PLMS?
Questions conerning TalentEd? Email