National School Social Work Week: March 6-12


“Time to Shine” is the 2022 theme for National School Social Work Week, March 6-12. The School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA) selected the theme as it celebrates how school social workers shine bright for students, families and school communities. Social workers in Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) work toward early identification, prevention, intervention, counseling and support to ensure academic success for all our students, as well as educational equity. They work in collaboration with school personnel and families as they strive to reduce or eliminate the social, emotional, economic and environmental barriers in order to maximize the potential of all learners.

The school social worker is a vital part of the academic team as they also help develop educational policies and address crisis intervention. They serve as critical mental health supports for students in ACPS, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. They also support student attendance, reaching out to our students and families who have not been engaging with instruction and working to remove any barriers that may exist. 

School social workers also engage with community partners and families to provide vital connections to resources such as food, clothing, and housing. At ACPS, our team of social workers are “a lifeline for many of our families as they provide hope, understanding and respect, along with a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of our students,” Executive Director of Student Support Teams Dr. Darrell Sampson said.

Please share your appreciation with our school social workers as we recognize their commitment and hard work this week.