ACPS Virtual Chair Yoga Class
ACPS is pleased to announce that we have teamed up with Kaiser Permanente to offer our staff a Virtual Chair Yoga Class! Even if you are not enrolled in ACPS’ Kaiser medical plans, you may join at no cost. Complicated maneuvers and complex movements are not present in a chair yoga class. Within this type of yoga, you can cover standing, seated, and prone postures. This exercise is good for many health issues and is ideal for the workplace. Make no excuses and join us for this fun, and free event!
This class will be offered on Oct. 26 at 4:00 p.m. via zoom. Sign up for free online.
Talented and Gifted Program (TAG)
During the 2021-2022 school year, the Talented and Gifted (TAG) referral deadline is Nov. 12, 2021. In addition, families of students in Grades K-8 may refer for the following services:
Grades K-3: General Intellectual Aptitude (GIA)
General Intellectual Aptitude services are enriched and integrated classroom activities designed to enhance creativity and problem-solving without being specifically tied to one subject area.
Grades 4*-5: Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA)
For rising 4th grade GIA students, a new referral is required to transition to SAA services; otherwise, GIA services continue.
- Math and Language Arts: Direct instruction from a teacher specializing in teaching talented and gifted children with an enriched or accelerated curriculum and significantly above grade-level expectations.
- Science and Social Studies: Differentiated Educational Plans (DEPs) outline individual enrichment and extension activities to be completed in the general education classroom.
Grades 6-12: Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA)
Students in middle school and high school have access to online courses, Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes, independent study, Dual-Enrollment in college courses, or access to summer residential Governor’s School.
Referral and Overview Information
Families or teachers may submit TAG referrals through PowerSchool forms translated into four languages: English, Spanish, Amharic, and Arabic. Families may find and submit the form by logging into their Parent PowerSchool account, selecting their child’s name and then clicking on the Forms tab. Then, click on the form titled “ACPS Referral of Students for Talented and Gifted Services,” and fill in and submit the form. In addition, anyone who would like to refer for TAG services and does not have access to PowerSchool may contact the TAG designee at the student’s school to receive a paper copy of the referral form.
Schools are in the process of hosting a TAG overview meeting. If your child’s school has not hosted the overview meeting yet, please be on the lookout for more information from the school on the meeting’s date, time, and location.
For more information about the TAG screening process, please visit the TAG webpage.
Digital Citizenship Week
This week is Digital Citizenship Week; a time to support students in developing the skills they need to use devices safely, ethically, and effectively. As families and educators, we can all do our part to help students take a closer look at how their digital lives impact their social and emotional well-being.
As students acquire digital citizenship skills, they may also need help in making smart choices online, which can impact their lives and the lives of others. This includes the responsible use of social networking sites. It also means being part of the solution to stop cyberbullying. This type of digital bullying can include mean text messages and emails, posting embarrassing photos, as well as rumors sent via email or posted on social networking sites. For more information about how to help your children stay safe online, visit the Common Sense Media website.
All instances of bullying at ACPS can be reported via the ACPS mobile app tip line.
Governor’s School 2022 Information Sessions
Students in 10th and 11thj grade are invited to learn more about the 2022 Virginia Summer Residential Programs (Governor’s School) in World Language, Visual and Performing Arts, Academics, Mentorships in Medicine, Engineering and Marine Science. Information is available in Canvas in the School Counseling Resource Center/Governor’s School.
Information Sessions:
- Visual and Performing Arts and World Language: Wednesday, Oct. 27 during Lunch and Learn (back-to-back sessions) in the Auditorium Lecture Hall
- Academic Programs (Agriculture, Humanities, Math/Sci/Tech, Internships): Wednesday, Nov. 17 during Lunch and Learn (back-to-back sessions) in the Auditorium Lecture Hall
Questions? Contact Marianne Hawn at