Make Your Nominations for ACPS Support Staff of the Year Award

- News and Announcements

Exemplary employees are the heart of ACPS! Each year we recognize outstanding support staff, as we do our outstanding teachers and principals. Having high-caliber support staff is essential to the success of our schools and the well-being of our students. We want to recognize our staff members who exemplify excellence in their work — principals, teachers and support staff as well.

All are invited to nominate an Outstanding Support Staff Employee of the Year for their commitment and dedication to our students and our school division. If you know of an outstanding staff member who deserves to be recognized, here is your opportunity to let ACPS know.

Who Are Our Support Staff?

They include office staff, cafeteria workers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers, parent liaisons, registrars, IT staff and the many others who support our students and our schools. They are non-licensed staff and those who are not part of administration.

Not sure if the person you want to nominate qualifies? Email

Nominees should possess the following qualities:

  • Demonstrates outstanding commitment to the division’s mission of Every Student Succeeds
  • Fosters cooperative and collaborative relationships with colleagues and the community
  • Contributes to ACPS in an exceptional way
  • Takes initiative to address issues, solve problems or make improvements
  • Seeks opportunities to learn and grow
  • Exemplifies high achievement in their work

Nominees should meet the following criteria:

  • Is a full-time ACPS employee
  • Has been with ACPS for more than three years
  • Has good or above average evaluation (proficient or exemplary)
  • Is NOT on a Plan of Improvement
  • Is recommended for continued employment
  • Plans to continue employment with ACPS next school year

Nomination Process

  1. Complete the Support Staff Nomination Form (MS Word | PDF). The nomination form can be completed by an ACPS employee, parent, student or community member.
  2. Collect at least three letters of support, one of which must be from the nominee’s supervisor. The statements of support should describe and give examples of how the employee demonstrates the qualities listed above.
  3. Submit all documents to the Office of Communications by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 10, 2020. Late nominations will not be considered. Principals have until 5pm on January 17 to submit their nominee’s packet to central office.

One candidate will be selected as a finalist from each school or ACPS site. An overall winner will be selected from among the finalists.