Give Us Five Minutes to Catch up on Plans for 2025

- News and Announcements

ACPS is in the middle of the process to develop our next strategic plan for 2025.

It is essential that you, our staff and community, are involved in this process. We have been working with representatives from all schools across the division, as well as community members who represent particular groups whose voice needs to be heard in our next plan.

This Strategic Planning Committee has been working hard to give feedback on the mission and vision for ACPS 2025. They have also been developing the measures and metrics for the plan.

We invited Rudy Ruiz — a consultant with FourPoint Education Partners, who have been guiding us through this process — and ACPS Chief Accountability Officer Clinton Page — who has lead the ACPS side of the ACPS 2025 Strategic Planning process — to sit down on camera for a discussion on this topic with Superintendent of Schools Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr.

You can follow the steps from the start of the process to now on the ACPS 2025 Strategic Planning page on the ACPS website.