Are you a historian, educator or avid history buff? If so, we need you!
The National History Day School competitions for Francis Hammond and George Washington Middle Schools are coming up and we are seeking judges to assess student submissions.
Each year honors social studies students in grades six, seven and eight engage in a long-term research project as individuals or groups on historical topics of interest based on the National History Day theme. This year’s theme is, “Conflict and Compromise in History.” They work on their projects from the end of September to late-January/early February.

Students present their findings in a variety of presentation formats: exhibit, documentary, paper, performance or website. The winners at each school will be announced by February 21 and the top two winners in each category from each school will advance to the District V Competition. The top two winners from the District V Competition will advance to the state competition.
Last year Alexandria Smith, a rising seventh-grade student at George Washington Middle School won the Outstanding Entry for Junior Division in Virginia at the national level of competition for her individual performance portraying American Woman’s Rights Advocate Alice Paul.
Judges are needed for the following shifts:
Francis C. Hammond Middle School
Thursday, February 1
8:45 am. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.
George Washington Middle School
Monday, February 12
Tuesday, February 13
8:45 am. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. both days
If you are interested in judging please complete this form by Friday, January 26. Assignments will be confirmed via email prior to the competition days. If you have any questions, please email