ACPS is introducing a new performance evaluation system for support staff that focuses on professional standards and key competencies that contribute to the successful achievement of the goals and objectives outlined in the ACPS 2020 Strategic Plan. The new system, known as the Support Staff Growth and Assessment System, goes into effect immediately and will be used to assess the performance cycle that ends on June 30, 2017.
The system promotes collaboration, professional growth and optimal job performance and integrates tools to recognize employees who go well above and beyond with exemplary performance. It also helps to identify growth areas for employees that will lead to improved overall job performance.
The new system is the result of an initiative launched in 2015 where a diverse volunteer committee of employees collaborated with additional subject matter experts in human resources to create a new evaluation system specifically for support staff. Representatives from technology services, food service, transportation and facilities along with administrators and administrative assistants participated on the committee. Their work over the past year culminated in this new program, which brings the evaluation process for support staff into alignment with other ACPS evaluation tools.
As part of the roll-out of the new system, we are offering multiple ways for employees to learn about it and have their questions answered. Employees can:
- View this video, which explains the new evaluation process.
- Read the handbook, which provides a more detail explanation of the system and process.
- Attend the Support Staff Evaluation Training Session on Wednesday, October 12 at Central Office in Room 310-2 at 3:45 p.m. Sign up online using the Professional Learning Management System.
- Learn more on our website.
We look forward to using the new system, which we hope will foster a more collaborative evaluation process and play a key role in your professional development and growth as a valuable contributor to the ACPS community.