ACPS Teacher Finalist for Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching


James K. Polk Elementary School (Polk Elementary) fifth-grade teacher Marie Peaches is among three Virginia finalists for the 2022 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). The presidential award is regarded as the top honor in the nation for math and science teachers.

“Virginia’s 2022 finalists engage their students with hands-on instruction that reveals how math and science surround them every day, regardless of who they are or where they are,” said Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow. This presidential award recognizes teachers who have a deep knowledge of their subjects and the ability to motivate students to be successful, having a positive impact on student achievement.

Polk Elementary Principal Carla Price Carter said Mrs. Peaches epitomizes instructional excellence and grace and is worthy of this distinguished honor. “She has an innate ability to connect with students who have varying learning abilities and styles,” explained Carter. “She makes a conscious effort to partner with students and families, which ultimately leads to greater learning outcomes for students.”

As a teacher at Polk Elementary for the past 18 years, Mrs. Peaches has worked hard to teach first with love and then with knowledge, passion and dedication. She incorporates hands-on activities, interactive notebooks, songs/raps and a nurturing tone to assist students with making connections and remembering content. Mrs. Peaches also incorporates daily activities within her class to address the social and emotional needs of students, understanding the importance of developing the whole child.

Finding out she was selected as a finalist in the commonwealth for this presidential award, Mrs. Peaches expressed her excitement. “The news made me jump up and down, cry, laugh out loud and it humbled me. This recognition means the world to me. I absolutely love my Polk family and community and I am elated,” she said.

The PAEMST is administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of the White House, which will announce the awardees following a national review of the finalist applications from each state, U.S. territory and state-level education system. Recipients will each receive a $10,000 unrestricted award from the NSF, a presidential certificate and a trip to the nation’s capital.