Planning for Spring Break: Health and Safety Reminder


ACPS Spring Break is April 11-15, 2022, and we know that many students, families and staff are looking forward to it. Please consider observing the following health and safety reminders to help reduce COVID-19 transmission and keep our schools open for in-person learning.

  • If any family members have not yet been vaccinated, consider getting a COVID-19 vaccination for all family members ages 5+ before you leave.
  • Encourage family members who have been vaccinated to get boosters before traveling.
  • Make sure everyone’s flu shots are up to date.
  • Wear masks if around people who are not vaccinated.
  • Test before traveling and again when returning home.
  • Review updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on transmission levels at your destination.
  • Make sure students bring home all learning devices from school in the event that there is any need to transition to temporary virtual learning.