ACPS VIP Awards Nomination Deadline is Feb. 18, 2022


The deadline to recognize a colleague’s outstanding work for ACPS is fast approaching! Employees who exhibit vision, integrity and passion are being considered for this next round of VIP Awards. Submit your nomination by Fri., Feb. 18, 2022 for the Support Staff category. This group includes Central Office support staff, as well as building-level support staff, including administrative assistants, instructional assistants, ACPS monitors, and school security officers. A winner will be announced the week of Feb. 28, 2022.

Nominations may be submitted by any group or individual employed within the school division. Each employee or group may only nominate one individual per cycle. Download and post the VIP Award Flier (PDF) at your school or worksite and encourage staff to nominate their colleagues! Award recipients will receive an ACPS gift bag as a token of appreciation for a job well done.