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Board Matters: Farewell to Five Board Members, Hello to the Capital Budget and the New Calendar


The last School Board meeting before the holidays included approval of the 2019-2020 academic calendar, an update on the Program of Studies, the difference in costs associated with a single high school and a connected high school for The High School Project, and approval of the Capital Improvement Program Budget for the next ten years.

Celebrate the Top ACPS Moments of 2018 With Us

compilation of photos

Graduating our largest class yet, welcoming (back) a new superintendent, opening two new schools … these are just a few of the things that ACPS is celebrating as we close out 2018 and ring in the new year!

Step onto the Stage With Our Holiday Show Stoppers

delia hughes ice skates

A concert pianist virtuoso, an Olympic-bound ice skater, an aspiring Broadway actor, an award-winning orchestra instructor and an acclaimed theatre producer are just a few of those with whom we share our classrooms and our schools. Learn more about them and where they’re sharing their talents with the community this holiday season.

The Future of the High School Should Be More Than a Fleeting Holiday Wish

gregory c. hutchings, jr.

ACPS has an opportunity to profoundly impact the long-term future of the high school. If we think big and act boldly, we can put Alexandria on the map for the skills for which our future graduates are known, and create a talent pipeline into the workplace and higher education for generations to come. Read this message about The High School Project from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr.

We Asked You to Give Generously and You Did — Thank you!

holiday lights with words "thank you"

This holiday season, ACPS asked our community to come together and give generously to support our families who are struggling. Because of your generosity, we were able to brighten the holidays of 165 students and families. Please take a moment to enjoy our thank you.

ACPS Launches Award for Staff Who Help Our Division Run Smoothly

cateria worker serving kids in line

A brand new support staff recognition program honors exemplary support staff alongside exceptional teachers and principals. Learn how to nominate staff members who exemplify excellence in their work.

Fun Ways to Spend Your Winter Break

violinist king street

Toy-making, Waterskiing Santa, a fantastical holiday and train display made of plant materials — these are just a few of the must-see items to add to your winter break punch list.