ACPS aims to make its website accessible to all, including those with disabilities, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This also applies to any official ACPS web presence that is maintained by ACPS, including content provided through third-party vendors, unless doing so would not be feasible or otherwise imposes an undue burden.
This means that individuals with disabilities who use our website are able to access the same information as those without disabilities.
To help ACPS align with federal guidelines and focus on the needs of our students, families and staff, the School Board recently approved a new web accessibility policy and regulations.
The policy is the natural next step following the launch of the new website last year, which aims to be both accessible and user-friendly. Our goal is to present online information in a way that all users can access, regardless of the hardware or software they use and regardless of how they navigate our site.
We will work to correct any non-conforming web pages in a timely manner and will coordinate with third-party vendors to resolve accessibility issues as they may arise on their sites. If you experience an issue accessing information posted on our website, or require further assistance or explanation, please call the Office of Communications at 703-619-8003 or 1-888-862-8265, or email
You can always find this information posted on the website at any time.