ACHS Students Recognized in C-SPAN National Student Video Competition

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Two student teams from Alexandria City High School (ACHS) were presented with awards this week for their entries in C-SPAN’s StudentCam video competition. C-SPAN and Comcast representatives visited the high school this week to recognize the achievement and present awards in the student video competition.

Students were tasked with creating a short (5-6 minute) video documentary related to this year’s competition theme, “How does the federal government impact your life?” ACHS students Mia Mervis and Lucy Savarie received honors for their video One Stamp At A Time, which focuses on food stamps.

As last year’s award ceremony could not be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ACHS students Alison Avelar, Elena Gutierrez and Helen Russell were also presented with an honorable mention for the video they entered in the competition last year, Dear Mr. President: History or Progress? The video focuses on how the Alexandria community addressed the need to replace names on schools and monuments that reflect a racist past.

StudentCam is C-SPAN’s annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think critically about issues that affect their communities and nation. The competition is open to all students in grades 6-12. C-SPAN awards 150 student prizes and 53 teacher prizes totaling $100,000.
