Get current information about applying for free and reduced-price meals for the new school year, payment for meals when there are insufficient funds on a student’s account, and about free breakfast this year at certain schools.
Category: Hammond
Enjoy These Highlights from 2017-18
For the last weekly edition of ACPS Express until late-August, we’re celebrating the amazing accomplishments of our students and staff throughout the division for awards they’ve won and recognition they’ve received over the past year, along with highlights of good news we’ve shared along the way. Enjoy!
Budding Artists Show Off their Masterpieces in Gallery Walks
Students were honored at an art showcase reception on Thursday night to celebrate the installation of their artwork in the School Board meeting room. Watch a video with highlights from the event and learn about the 160 additional student art pieces celebrated in Alexandria this month.
Free Meals Available for All Children This Summer
This summer, free meals will be available to all Alexandria residents 18 years and younger at 31 sites throughout ACPS and the City of Alexandria. Find out where and spread the word.
Celebrating Hands-On Learning Through Community Service
Join us to celebrate a year of student service learning on Wednesday, June 6 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the George Washington Middle School library. Learn how students tackled real-world issues, learned academic and civic skills and connected with their community.
Many Thanks to the Outstanding Volunteers Who Support Our Schools
Last Thursday, the School Board celebrated the outstanding individual, group, organization and business volunteers for the important roles they play in supporting our students and schools.
Why We Teach: Share the Passion of Our Teacher of the Year Nominees
Hear from each of the teachers nominated for the ACPS Teacher of the Year Award why they teach, in their own words.
Celebrating the Final Group of Teacher of the Year Nominees
Meet the final group of exceptional teachers nominated for The Washington Post Outstanding Teacher Award. The overall Washington Post winner and the ACPS winner will be announced next week.
The Right Time to Highlight the Role of Social Workers in Schools
ACPS celebrates the unique contribution that our school social workers make in the lives of our students and families. Please take a moment to celebrate your school social worker and learn about how they are helping to meet the needs of our students and families.
Two T.C. Williams Students Advance to State Science Fair
T.C. Williams’ juniors Ana Humphrey and Leslie Lytle will compete in the Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair in Roanoke in April after advancing from the Northern Virginia Regional Science Fair last week. Four middle school students have been nominated to compete in the premier science and engineering competition for middle school students.
Know an Eighth-Grader Interested in STEM and Health Sciences?
If you are the parent or guardian of an eighth-grade student, this post is for you. With the course selection process underway, we want to be sure that you’re aware of two outstanding academic opportunities for students interested in careers in health sciences or STEM.
Bringing History to Life Through National History Day
More than 1,200 students from Francis C. Hammond and George Washington middle schools recently participated in the National History Day Contest. The top two winners from each category head to the Division V regional competition on March 3.
Integrating More Movement into the Classroom
ACPS’ efforts to incorporate more physical activity into our students’ school day just got a giant boost, thanks to grants totaling more than $35,000 from Running Brooke’s Move2Learn program.
Get Inspiration from the Two Reflections Winners Headed to States
Congratulations to Adelaide Flint and Peyton Marcy, who will head to the state level of the National PTA Reflections Art, and the many other students who competed in the Northern Virginia district level contest.
Free Film Screening and Discussion for Day of Remembrance
Enjoy an afternoon of learning, compliments of the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History. On February 18 the museum will host a free screening of the film “Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight For Justice,” in conjunction with the museum’s exhibition, “Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II,” in observance of the Day of Remembrance.